Track organic search share of voice by topic
Organic search share of voice tells you how much market share various websites own for a given set of keywords. In this case, your tracked keywords. Before you can see this in Rank Tracker, you first need to specify one or more competitors. If you haven’t done this already, head to the Competitors Overview tab, hit the option to add competitors, then enter the competitors’ domains or paths you want to track. If you’re not sure who your competitors are, check the suggestions based on keyword intersections and hit the “+” button to add them to your project. For the Ahrefs Blog, we’ll add Backlinko and the Moz blog. SIDENOTE.
We added the Moz blog as a path instead of a domain so we’re only us phone number list tracking organic search share of voice for content under their /blog/ subfolder rather than their entire site. This is because Moz puts all of their blog posts under this subfolder, which allows us to compare apples to apples. If we now head to the Competitors Overview report, we can see that we’re trumping Moz in terms of “visibility” for our tracked keywords, which is the percentage of all clicks for the tracked keywords that land on each website. And we’re roughly on par with Backlinko. It’s a similar story for average ranking positions, traffic, and SERP features too: But this gets even more powerful when you group keywords by topic using tags, because you can then track organic share of voice by topic using the Competitors Tags report.

Now we can see that although we’re way ahead of the competition when it comes to content about keyword research, Backlinko is beating us for content about link building. If we check the Traffic tab, we see that this translates to traffic too: So we might want to investigate this further and see if there’s anything we can do about it. For instance, we might need more backlinks to compete, or we might be able to boost rankings for this topic by creating a content hub. Find low-hanging opportunities to beat competitors If competitors are outranking you for important keywords, you might want to prioritize ranking higher for them to win back traffic. |