As a reminder, when you publish
I suggest you consult this article The types of posts to test on Facebook . Commit to an Editorial Calendar Its one of my main resolutions every year to create an editorial calendar and follow it for the agencys publications on social networks. On this point, we can say that we are a bit like a shoemaker with bad shoes! When we start working with a new client, we generally start with a week Inbound Marketing Workshop during which we work on this schedule. For the agency, I am much less rigorous and I am clearly losing efficiency.
Creating an editorial calendar for your social networks will allow Mexico Phone Number Data you to skillfully plan your communications and truly commit to remaining regular in your actions . This is one of the keys, if not THE key, to generating Leads on Facebook. . Boost your communication with Facebook Ads Facebook is great for communicating but you are aware that it is increasingly difficult to do it for free. And it wont get better!content on social networks, not all your contacts, fans or subscribers see it in their news feed .

Were talking about Reach. Whether its Facebook, LinkedIn or others, the news feed on social networks depends on their own algorithm. To be more visible and generate leads, I advise you to use sponsored campaigns. These sponsored campaigns will not only allow you to ensure that your fanssubscribers see your content but also to reach people who do not follow your Facebook page. . Eyecatching with video video to generate leads on social networks As you can see in this graph from a study by Ericsson , of mobile internet traffic comes from video . |