What is CRM? Why Is It Important?
Customer Relationship Management is a strategic system based on information technology that companies use to optimize customer relationships. Thanks to CRM, companies can analyze the expectations and needs of their customers and provide improvements in this direction.
When we say CRM, the thought of customer should come to our mind. In today's world, the consumer is in a more powerful position than in the past, so customer satisfaction is of the utmost importance. I believe that the future of institutions that cannot satisfy the customer is also uncertain. Companies can bring quality products to the market, but organizations that cannot satisfy the customer in the area of human resources, marketing complex or after-sales services will obviously not find employment for themselves in the future.
CRM in Tarix
To fully understand the concept of CRM, it may be necessary to first touch on its history. Going back to the 1970s, we see that companies developed a more product-oriented marketing mix, the consumer was not as powerful as it is today, and there was more mass production. In this case, the customer's needs would not be China WhatsApp Number List properly met and the customer would not feel valued. As humans, regardless of the subject, we tend to want more after achieving a certain goal. In a world where individualism has begun to spread, a society born with this instinct would undoubtedly grow stronger. This development has created a serious competitive environment in the markets and led to the emergence of different strategies. The best example of this situation I mentioned was Japan.
But why Japan?
The answer is actually quite simple, as Japan was the first country to break tradition in the marketing mix, achieving a revolutionary rise in this regard, but of course it does not end there.
Of course, a system that ignores the human factor and is built on a marketing system with the goal of more profit can last for some time. A marketing method was needed where individuals could be catered for and integrated into the system…
If we dig a little deeper into the subject, we can see the importance that Japan places on people in many subjects. For example, taking a close look at Theory Z named by William G. Ouchi in 1981, Japanese companies aim to build strong ties with employees rather than customers and try to incorporate this into the global system. The success of Japanese companies operating especially in the US has attracted more attention and influenced the organizational structure of many companies. I attribute the Japanese mentality to World War II. After the war, when a country that had lost all its wealth was forced to use the resources of other countries, there was a strong sense of unity among the people. It must be said that Japan is the best example of how to aim from the bottom up by not forgetting and learning from the traumas that people experience. |